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UI/UX Design for Mobile and Web Applications

In general terms, what does it take to create a successful mobile or web application? The answer can be summarized in two basic goals: Provide a functional and productive user experience complemented by an aesthetically pleasing user interface.
These elements are best known as User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI). The terms UX and UI are frequently used together, but each has a different objective. While UX focuses on functionality, UI focuses on the aesthetic details of the visuals.


User Experience (UX) encompasses everything the user perceives and feels while interacting with a product, website, application, interface, or service. To be clear, UX is not a concept exclusive to digital platforms. UX involves everything that a customer can use or experience, such as an ATM, a coffee machine, a thermostat, a car’s instrument panel, a store, a coffee shop, or a stove, for example.


A quality UI design meets the criteria required to make the interface appealing (aesthetically and compositionally) to the end user, including technical aspects of design such as colorimetry, editorial design, branding adaptations, and interactivity.

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